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  • Station or cluster: Contributing Station
  • Belongs to cluster: Sonnblick Integrated Site
  • WMO ID (if any):
  • Shape: point
  • Latitude, longitude: 47.04, 12.99
  • Altitude and/or range (m): 2750
  • Landscape: Mountain
  • Year established: 2005
  • Year ended (therefore inactive): 2014
  • Year-round? Yes
  • Operations contact: Elke Ludewig
  • Science contact: Elke Ludewig
  • Data contact: Elke Ludewig

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AWS Fraganter Scharte
Contributing Station Information

Automatic Weather Station. It is currently not operating but will be updated in 2018

Measurement Methods Used

Data Information


The measurements made at AWS Fraganter Scharte are listed in the following tables. (Note: If End Year is blank, measurements are ongoing.)

Cryosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
SnowDepth20052014Not specified

Atmosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
MetAir temperature20052013Fragmented
MetHumidity/vapour pressure20052013Fragmented
MetWind speed and direction20052013Fragmented
MetAir pressure20052013Fragmented

Last updated: 31 May 2017