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  • Station or cluster: CryoNet Station
  • Type: Reference
  • Attribute(s): Research
  • Belongs to cluster: Volcán Antisana
  • WMO ID (if any):
  • Shape: point
  • Latitude, longitude: -0.48, -78.14
  • Altitude and/or range (m): 4820-5760
  • Landscape: Mountain
  • Year established: 1994
  • Year-round? Yes
  • Operations contact: Bolívar Cáceres
  • Science contact: Bolívar Cáceres
  • Data contact: Bolívar Cáceres

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Antisana 15 alfa
Reference CryoNet Station Information

El casquete glaciar cubre el volcán Antisana que es de edad cuaternaria,se desarrolla entre los 3800 m.s.n.m. hasta los 5760 m.s.n.m. este casquete se divide en 17 lenguas de acuerdo con la nomenclatura de WGMS.
Se monitorea la lengua Glaciar denominada 15 alfa ubicada en el flanco nor-oeste. Su area tiene un valor de 0.29 kilómetros cuadrados y una longitud de desarrollo en su eje de 1800 metros. Su línea de equilibrio en promedio (ELAo) se encuentra a 5100 m.s.n.m., su area promedio de acumulación esta en el 60%, este glaciar es monitoreado desde el año 1995.En promedio pierde 610 mm equivalentes en agua a nivel anual.

Other Networks to Which This CryoNet Station Belongs

Measurement Methods Used

Other relevant measurement method documents:

Kaser et al. (2003), Ostrem y Brugmann (1991), Paul et al. (2009), la UNESCO (1970), la UNESCO y la AICH (1980), WGMS (2012), Zemp et al. (2009)

Data Information


Maisincho L, Favier V., Wagnon P., Basantes R., Francou B., Villacís M., Rabatel A., Mourre L., Jomelli V., Cáceres B. Glacier surface mass balance modeling in the inner tropics using a positive-degree day approach. The Cryosphere Discuss., doi:10.5194/tc-2016-105, 2016. Manuscript under review for journal The Cryosphere. Published: 9 June 2016. ©Author(s) 2016. CC-BY 3.0 License.

Basantes R., Rabatel A., Francou B., Vincent C., Maisincho L., Cáceres B., Galarraga R., Alvaréz D. Slight mass loss revealed by reanalyzing glacier mass-balance observations on Glaciar Antisana 15 alfa (inner tropics) during the 1995–2012 period. Journal of glaciology Available on CJO 2016 doi:10.1017/jog.2016.17 2016.17 , pg 1-13.

Maisincho L, Favier V., Wagnon P., Basantes R., Francou B., Villacís M., Rabatel A., Mourre L., Jomelli V., Cáceres B. On the interest of positive degree day models for mass balance modeling in the inner tropics. The Cryosphere Discuss., 8, 2637–2684, 2014
www.the-cryosphere-discuss.net/8/2637/2014/ doi:10.5194/tcd-8-2637-2014.
© Author(s) 2014. CC Attribution 3.0 License.This discussion paper is/has been under review for the journal The Cryosphere (TC).Please refer to the corresponding ?nal paper in TC if available.

Cáceres B., Francou B., Antisana 15 Alpha (Ecuador / Tropical Andes), Glacier mass balance bulletin No 10 (2006-2007), p41-43 , World Glacier Monitoring Service, IAHS-UNEP-UNESCO

Cáceres B., Francou B., Favier V., Bontron G., Tachker P., Bucher R., Taupin J.D., Vuille M., Maisincho L., Delachaux F., Chazarin J.D., Cadier E., Villacís M. El glaciar 15 del Antisana investigaciones glaciológicas y su relación con el recurso hídrico. Climate Variability and Change-Hydrological impacts (Proceedings of the Fifth Friend World Conference held at Habana, Cuba, November 2006) IAHS Publ. 308, 2006.

Favier V., Wagnon P., Chazarin J.P., Maisincho L., & Coudrain A., 2004: One-year measurements of surface heat budget on the ablation zone of Antizana Glacier 15, Ecuadorian Andes, Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, D18105, doi:10.1029/2003JD004359.

Francou B., Cáceres B., Ramírez E. & Mendoza J. 2000. Glacier evolution in the tropical Andes during the last decades of the 20th century: Chacaltaya, Bolivia, and Antizana, Ecuador. Ambio, XXIX,
Vol. 29, No. 7, Research for Mountain Area Development: The Americas (Nov., 2000), pp. 416-422. Published by: Springer Article Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4315067

Francou B., Vuille M., Favier V. & Cáceres B., 2004: New evidences of ENSO impacts on glaciers at low latitude: Antizana 15, Andes of Ecuador, 0°28'. Journal of Geophysical Research, 109, doi: 10.1029/2003JD004484. Volumen 109, Issue D18,27. September 2004

Wagnon P., Lafaysse M., Lejeune Y., Maisincho L., Rojas M. and Chazarin J.P. Understanding and modeling the physical processes that govern the melting of snow cover in a tropical mountain environment in Ecuador. Journal of Geophysical Research, Article first published online: 10 OCT 2009DOI: 10.1029/2009JD012292


The measurements made at Antisana 15 alfa are listed in the following tables. (Note: If End Year is blank, measurements are ongoing.)

Cryosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
SnowSnow water equivalent1997Continuous
SnowSnowpack profile1995Continuous
GlacierAnnual mass balance1994Continuous
GlacierSurface topography1994Continuous
GlacierFacies, snowline1994Continuous

Atmosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
MetAir temperature2005Fragmented
MetHumidity/vapour pressure2005Fragmented
MetWind speed and direction2005Fragmented
MetTotal precipitation2005Fragmented
RadiationDownwelling shortwave2005Fragmented
RadiationUpwelling shortwave2005Fragmented
RadiationDownwelling longwave2005Fragmented
RadiationUpwelling longwave2005Fragmented

Measurement Notes and Other Measurements

Category Description or List
SnowPara el albedo en el período 2005-2009 las mediciones son fragmentadas. Para el período 2009-2016 las mediciones son continuas
AtmospherePara estos parámetros se tienen mediciones fragmentadas para el período 2005-2009. Para el período 2009-2016 las mediciones son continuas
HydrologySe han realizado mediciones hidrológicas de manera esporádica en la cuenca de descarga del glaciar
EcologyActualmente se realizan estudios sobre la evolución de la flora y fauna en la parte terminal del glaciar (zona de páramo)

Last updated: 31 May 2017