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  • Station or cluster: CryoNet Station
  • Type: Primary
  • Attribute(s): Cal/val, Research
  • WMO ID (if any):
  • Shape: polygon
  • Latitude, longitude: -66.68779, 139.90741
  • Altitude and/or range (m): 30 m asl-1820 m asl
  • Landscape: Coastal
  • Year established: 2004
  • Year-round? Yes
  • Operations contact: Vincent Favier
  • Science contact: Vincent Favier
  • Data contact: Vincent Favier
  • Click for website

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Adelie Land
Primary CryoNet Station Information

The GLACIOCLIM observatory is a French initiative to monitor the mass balance of glaciers in different climate. This represents the Antarctic component, which covers Adelie Land and Dome C. Data are availeble from Cap Prudhomme (CP, 66.7°S, 139.9°E, 30 m above sea level) and Dome C (-75.1°S, 123.3E, 3233 m asl). CP hosts a summer station at the departure point of the logistical traverse between the coast and the French-Italian Concordia station located 1,100 km inland, on the plateau.
The SMB of Antarctica is the net result of precipitation and surface ablation terms like evaporation/sublimation, melt and run-off, and blowing snow. Here the SMB data are obtained thanks to stake networks and snow density measurements in the first 2.5m of snow or deeper. Measurement protocols and accuracy are described in detail in Eisen et al. (2008)

SMB values (stake height and density measurements) are available since 2004:
1. A 50-stake network is measured monthly (when measrements are possible) in a blue ice area close to CP (Favier et al., 2011).
2. along a 156-km stake-line (91 stakes) from 30m asl to 1820 m asl (Agosta et al., 2012)
3. Measurements at Dôme C (Libois et al., 2014)

Other Networks to Which This CryoNet Station Belongs

Measurement Methods Used

Data Information


Agosta, C., V. Favier, H. Gallée, G. Krinner, X. Fettweis, C. Genthon (2013) High resolution modeling of the Antarctic surface mass balance, application for the 21st and 22nd centuries, Climate Dynamics, DOI: 10.1007/s00382-013-1903-9.

Agosta, C., V. Favier, C. Genthon, G. Krinner, H. Gallée, J.T.M. Leanarts and M.R. van den Broeke (2012), A 40-Year accumulation dataset for Adelie Land, Antarctica and its application for model validation, Climate Dynamics, Vol 38 (1-2), 75-86, doi: 10.1007/s00382-011-1103-4.

Favier, V., C. Agosta, C. Genthon, L. Arnaud, A. Trouvillez and H. Gallee. 2011. Modeling the mass and surface heat budgets in a coastal blue ice area of Adelie Land, Antarctica. Journal Of Geophysical Research-Earth Surface, 116, F03017.

Favier V., C. Agosta, S. Parouty, G. Durand, G. Delaygue, H. Gallée, A.-S. Drouet, A. Trouvilliez, and G. Krinner (2013) An updated and quality controlled surface mass balance dataset for Antarctica, The Cryosphere, 7, 583-597, doi:10.5194/tc-583-2013.

Libois,Q., G.Picard, L.Arnaud, S. Morin, and E. Brun (2014), Modeling the impact of snow drift on the decameter-scale variability of snow properties on the Antarctic Plateau, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. , 119, doi:10.1002/2014JD022361

Eisen O, Frezzotti M, Genthon C et al (2008) Ground-based measurements of spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation in east Antarctica. Rev Geophys 46(1):RG2001.


The measurements made at Adelie Land are listed in the following tables. (Note: If End Year is blank, measurements are ongoing.)

Cryosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency

Atmosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
MetAir temperature20042016Continuous
MetHumidity/vapour pressure20042016Continuous
MetWind speed and direction20042016Continuous
RadiationDownwelling shortwave20042014Continuous
RadiationDownwelling longwave20042016Continuous

Last updated: 31 May 2017