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  • Station or cluster: CryoNet Station
  • Type: Primary
  • Attribute(s): Research
  • WMO ID (if any):
  • Shape: point
  • Latitude, longitude: -41.177344, -71.805281
  • Altitude and/or range (m): 1350
  • Landscape: Mountain
  • Year established: 2017
  • Year-round? Yes
  • Operations contact: Mariano Masiokas
  • Science contact: Mariano Masiokas
  • Data contact: Pierre Pitte

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Primary CryoNet Station Information

Station installed in April 2017 at the outlet of the small proglacial lake in front of Alerce glacier, one the the four Argentinean glaciers of Monte Tronador, a heavily glaciated peak in the North Patagonian Andes at around 41°S.

This glacier is the focus of a long-term mass balance monitoring program that started in 2014. Most basic meteorological variables are being measured every hour. The Meteorological, hydrological and glaciological are highly relevant for a better understanding of the hydrology and the glacier-climate relationships in this portion of the Andes.

Measurement Methods Used

Data Information

Additional Information Documents


The measurements made at Vuriloches are listed in the following tables. (Note: If End Year is blank, measurements are ongoing.)

Cryosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
PermafrostSoil temperature2017Continuous
GlacierGlacial runoff2017Continuous

Atmosphere Measurements

Element Variable Start Year End Year Frequency
MetAir temperature2017Continuous
MetHumidity/vapour pressure2017Continuous
MetWind speed and direction2017Continuous
MetAir pressure2017Continuous
MetTotal precipitation2017Continuous
RadiationDownwelling shortwave2017Continuous
RadiationDownwelling longwave2017Continuous

Measurement Notes and Other Measurements

Category Description or List
HydrologyWater height is measured at the outlet of the progracial lake. Hourly measurements since April 2017

Last updated: 29 May 2019