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First GCW Implementation Meeting

21-24 November 2011, Geneva

The First Implementation Meeting of the Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) was held at WMO Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 21-24 November 2011. The meeting was jointly organized by the GCW Task Team of the WMO Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS) and the Observing and Information Systems Department of WMO. The 30 meeting participants were WMO Member and partner organization representatives from Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Norway, Finland, UK, Tajikistan, Russia, New Zealand, China, Japan, Argentina, Canada, and the US. Participants strongly supported the recommendations presented by WMO on guidelines, standards and best practices, and unanimously agreed that partnering is essential for GCW to be successful.

The agenda, local information, and documents are available via the links at right.