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Cryosphere Now: Atmosphere Products

A few recent atmosphere and surface radiation products are listed below. They are generally from today or yesterday. Important: The products shown on the "Cryosphere Now" pages provide a variety of perspectives on the state of the cryosphere. They are for purposes of illustration and comparison and are not necessarily endorsed by GCW as "authoritative".

Northern Hemisphere:

Model Grids:  
Surface Temperature:
  • Contoured
  • 1000 mb Winds, 12Z
  • 400 mb Winds, 12Z
Geopotential Height:
  • 1000 hPa Geopotential Height, 12Z
  • 500 hPa Geopotential Height, 12Z
  • (Not yet available)

Radiosonde Profiles:

Southern Hemisphere:

Model Grids:  
Surface Temperature:
  • Contoured
  • 1000 mb Winds, 12Z
  • 400 mb Winds, 12Z
Geopotential Height:
  • 1000 hPa Geopotential Height, 12Z
  • 500 hPa Geopotential Height, 12Z
  • CRAS 24 hr precip, MSLP, 850 hPa temp

    CRAS is the CIMSS Regional Assimilation System. Many more options for Antarctic forecasts, as well as other regions, are available at the CRAS website.

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