The most recent glacier and ice cap information is given below. Hover over a thumbnail to get the full image, description, and credits.Important: The products shown on the "Cryosphere Now" pages provide a variety of perspectives on the state of the cryosphere. They are for purposes of illustration and comparison and are not necessarily endorsed by GCW as "authoritative".
Northern Hemisphere:
Glacier Mass Balance
Glacier mass balance data were provided by the World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS). Mass balance values in mm water equivalent. Note that 'reference' glaciers are those with long-term observation series, i.e. > 30 years. All but one of reference glaciers are in the Northern Hemisphere. Reference: WGMS (2012): Fluctuations of Glaciers 2005-2010 (Vol. X): Zemp, M., Frey, H., Gärtner-Roer, I., Nussbaumer, S.U., Hoelzle, M., Paul, F. & W. Haeberli (eds.), ICSU (WDS)/ IUGG (IACS)/ UNEP/ UNESCO/ WMO, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Zurich, Switzerland. Based on database version doi: 10.5904/wgms-fog-2012-11.