Focal Point Terms of Reference

GCW focal points are formally nominated by the Members’ Permanent Representatives with WMO. There may be more than one contact in a country. Focal points may be from outside the Member’s national meteorological and hydrological service (NMHS), recognizing that other bodies may have operational and/or research responsibilities for the cryosphere. This could differ by country. The focal point(s) will liaise with the GCW management group (to be determined). In order to minimize GCW operating costs, the working language of the management group will be English. The focal point(s) will have the following responsibilities:

  1. Serve as the national contact(s) for, and contribute to, the development and implementation of GCW and its activities locally, nationally, regionally and globally.
  2. Liaise with national bodies that have responsibilities for observation, monitoring, development and provision of information products and services, prediction and research related to the cryosphere for implementation of GCW.
  3. Engage national representatives of international organizations partnering with GCW (e.g. International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) Cryosphere Working Group, International Association for Cryospheric Sciences (IACS), International Permafrost Association (IPA), Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR), World Glacier Monitoring Service (WGMS)), in furthering GCW nationally and regionally.
  4. Identify national and regional cryosphere-related issues, needs and gaps that should be considered in GCW action plans.
  5. With other focal point(s) in their WMO Region, engage their WMO Regional Association to foster, promote and further develop GCW products, services, and information.
  6. Actively engage the national representatives of Technical Commissions and WMO co-sponsored programs, particularly Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) and World Climate Research Programme to foster, promote and further develop GCW activities.
  7. Where possible, establish a GCW national committee, engaging representatives of national and international bodies, to co-ordinate and initiate a national GCW programme.
  8. Identify needs and opportunities for capacity building related to GCW activities.
  9. Identify opportunities for resource mobilization to support GCW implementation or operation.